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1. Name: Northampton Nene Angling Club

2. Objective

The preservation of all waters owned by or leased to the Club for the purpose of SPORT with rod and line or pole only, to promote lectures and debates, competition and good fellowship.

3. Subscriptions

That for all the clubs waters the full Annual Subscription be £40.00, concessionaries (persons aged 65 or over and special tickets issued at the discretion of the committee) £25.00, For juniors between the ages of 13 and 17 the ticket cost shall be £5.00. Subscriptions to be payable from the 1st June each year, and no person shall be considered a Member or be allowed to fish until his or her subscription has been paid. 

4. Day Members

That for Club Waters where day tickets are allowed being the Grand Union Canal including Northampton Arm and Leicester Arm and the River Nene, Town Centre section ONLY there will be a standard charge of £5.00 per person per session.

Purchase of a day membership ticket only permits the purchaser to fish the relevant club waters on that day (Dawn till Dusk and NO night fishing) and only in strict accordance with the rules of that fishery. Day membership does not entitle the ticket holder to any other benefits of full club membership. Any person wishing to purchase a day membership may be asked to produce a valid Environment Agency (EA) rod licence. Anyone unwilling or unable to produce same may be refused day membership and required to vacate the fishery.

That on written application permission may be granted for competitions of bona fide Angling Clubs on Club Waters.

Applications should be made to the Booking Secretary who shall have discretionary powers.

5. Members Children

That all children under 13 years of age must be accompanied by an adult and may  fish with the adult but the number of rods shall not exceed one per person. At Swan Valley, all children under the age of fifteen must be accompanied by an adult.

6. Annual General Meeting

That the Annual General Meeting of the Club be held in the April of each year and Notice thereof shall be published on the clubs website and facebook at least 14 days prior thereto, unless notified individually to members.

7. Officers and Committee

That at the Annual General Meeting there shall be appointed a Management Committee consisting of a President, six Vice-presidents and a maximum of nine ordinary members (four members of the management committee to form a quorum) in whom the conduct of the affairs of the Club shall be solely vested by the Club. The meeting shall also appoint auditors. The Management Committee shall appoint a Treasurer, Secretary and Membership Secretary, there shall also be appointed a Match Secretary and a Bookings Secretary. No Member shall be eligible for a nomination for Committee unless he has been a Member for one year at least. A retiring President shall automatically become a Vice-President. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt non-voting members on to the Management Committee. The officers of the Club being the President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Committee members or other ordinary Members so authorised by the Committee shall not incur any personal liability for any duties properly carried out on behalf of the Club. Any Officer so acting shall be entitled to be indemnified from the Club Assets.

8. Trustees

The freehold property and investments belonging to the Club shall be held by three Trustees who shall not be held personally liable for loss arising out of the proper performance of their duties. The Management Committee shall have the power to at any time or times to remove any Trustee or Trustees and nominate a new Trustee or Trustees to fill any vacancy in the number of Trustees howsoever occurring.

9. Special General Meetings

That a Special General Meeting may be called at any time by the Committee or upon the request in writing (stating the object) of twenty or more Members sent to the Secretary. Notice thereof to be given to the Members of the Club, expressing the object for which such a meeting is called, not less than twenty one days previously.

10. Votes

Each Member present shall be entitled to one vote.

11. Notice of Motion and Resolutions

That these rules shall remain in force until altered at the Annual General Meeting. Notices of motion including those as to proposed alteration of the rules and nominations, must be forwarded to the Secretary 21 clear days before the Annual General Meeting for inclusion in the agenda.

12. Removal of Fish

No fish are to be removed from club waters. Anyone found doing so may receive a life ban from the Club. All reports of fish theft will be fully investigated.

13. Conduct

The following are operational rules relevant to the waters held and conditions prevailing at the time of publication. The committee shall have the power to amend these and to make additional regulations and to settle any relevant matters not provided for in these rules, provided that any such changes are submitted for endorsement at the following AGM.

Membership of the Club conveys no privilege of trespassing upon land adjoining the river without the consent of the owners. There shall be no vehicular access whatsoever across fields adjoining our waters. Camping is not allowed also barbecues and open fires are not permitted. Provided that the landowner does not have a specific ban, a dog may accompany an angler but must be on a lead and under control at all times.

Reservation of swims is not permitted, neither is the leaving of bivouacs unattended. An angler may not stay more than 24 hours in the same swim. After this time he must leave or may move to another vacant swim on the water if one is available. All anglers must clear their swim of litter before and after fishing. Members are requested to be discreet when answering the call of nature.

No bloodworm or joker is to be used except on the Grand Union Canal between Dodford (bridge 22) and Flore (bridge 27) from November to March inclusive. No beans or peanuts are to be used on club waters. No Sweet corn or Luncheon meat tins allowed.

Membership conveys no right to take a boat onto club waters, or to fish from a boat. Members may not carry firearms on club waters.

Members may use a maximum of two rods at any one time (only where fishery rules allow).

On all Club Waters, no fishing shall be allowed within 30 metres either side of, or under electricity pylons or power lines.

Additional rules may apply to some Club waters such as Swan Valley and Meadow Lakes, and will be posted at fishery entrances.

Night Fishing allowed except where stated, please see Fishery Rules on each individual water.(Please note where Night Fishing is allowed this is only for those anglers that are FULL members of the club).

Swan Valley

These Rules must be observed in addition to the usual Club rules:

  • No day tickets, Club Members ONLY

  • Children under fifteen years must be accompanied by an adult

  • No bivvies Allowed. (Umbrellas and tent shelters allowed).

  • No Fires or barbecues

  • No Boats

  • Membership conveys no right of access to the Island for any reason

Meadow Lakes Rothersthorpe

Normal Club rules apply with the following amendments:


  • There shall be no boilies, nuts or beans

  • There shall be no groundbait introduced by hand

  • Spodding is not permitted

  • Barbless hooks only to be used

  • Fishing should only take place from marked pegs

  • No Bivvies allowed. ( umbrellas and tent shelters ok as long as they do not obstruct the paths).


  • All cars to be left in central parking area unless special circumstances apply.


14. Fishing during the period of 15th March to 15th June inclusive

The following waters only will be open for the above period:

  • Meadow Lake

  • The Blue Lagoon

  • Swan Valley

  • All the canal network

  • The dead arm of the River Nene

All other waters will be closed.

15. Conditions of Membership: Serious Criminal Offences and Child Protection

It is a condition of membership that these rules and the byelaws of the Environment Agency shall be observed. The Management Committee shall have power to exclude from Membership any person found to have broken any Rules of the Club or byelaws or rules of any parent body or Association to which the Club is affiliated. Membership cards must be carried at all times when fishing club�s waters. if a member commits a serious offence or breaks a Club Rule and his card is already endorsed, the bailiff may withdraw the members card, issue a receipt and report to the Committee for action to be taken.

Any member who has been convicted of a serious criminal offence warranting a custodial sentence, may have his/her membership suspended by the management committee. A general meeting of the club shall have the power to cancel or set time limit on the suspension. The meeting shall also have the power to expel the offending member, whether or not a suspension has been imposed by the management committee. The club will adopt the Child Protection Policy of the Angling Trust as or when published.

16. Representative Teams

The representative teams fishing for the Club in the National and the County Cup shall be chosen using a points system based on the results of the Club matches during the previous Club year (April 1st to March 31st). The points system used will be the same as that currently used to decide the Club Champion and Runners-up.

17. Financial Year

The clubs financial year shall run from 1st January to 31st December in any one year.

18. Sale of Waters

That the sale of waters can only be done by consent of a two thirds majority at a General Meeting.

19. Dissolution

19a) If at any General Meeting of the Club, a resolution be passed calling for the dissolution of the Club, the secretary shall immediately convene a Special General Meeting of the Club to be held not less than one month there after to discuss and vote on the resolution.

19b) If at that Special General Meeting, the resolution is carried by at least two thirds of the Full Members present at the meeting, the General Committee shall thereupon, or at such date as shall have been specified in the resolution, proceed to realise all assets of the Club and discharge all debts and liabilities of the Club.

19c) After discharging all debts and liabilities of the Club, the remaining assets shall not be paid or distributed amongst the Full Members of the Club, but shall be given or transferred to some other voluntary organisation having objects similar to those of the Club.

Updated 29 May 2024

Please see below examples of Risk Assessments we carry out prior to events we run.

Document Name
Document Type
Delapre Fishery
Risk Assessment
Meadow Lakes, Rothersthorpe
Risk Assessment
Generic Angling Related Activities
Risk Assessment
Canal Tow Path and The River Nene
Risk Assessment
Junior - Lets Fish
Risk Assessment
Angling Trust - Guidance Note
Health & Safety
Angling Trust - Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment
ALL club members must have a valid EA rod licence except for those Junior members who are under 13 years of age. Junior members who are aged 13 to 16 do need a rod licence but these are free of charge.

Failure to produce a valid licence could result in prosecution and a fine of up to £2500.

A Rod Licence  gives you permission to fish in “free waters only”, most waters are leased to clubs or individuals and therefore you also need the permission from those owners of the water before you start fishing usually by becoming a club member or by buying a day permit.

A rod licence does not give you the right to take fish from any water. This will depend on local byelaws and you must have permission from the owner of the water where you are fishing. Anybody caught taking fish without permission is liable to  prosecution under the Theft Act.

Fishing Close Seasons:- All rivers in Wales and England operate a close season from 15th March to 16th June during which all fishing is banned. The times of these close seasons vary locally and you are advised to contact your local Environment Agency office for more details.

Most canals and still waters ( includes all lakes and ponds ) allow fishing during the River close season. You must contact the owner of each individual water to check whether this is so or if there is a close season on their waters.

Please contact the Environment Agency Click here to link to the Environment Agency for more details if you are unsure of the close seasons on any water.

GDPR - Privacy Policy - T&Cs


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